Jumazon > Gift Registry

Gift Registry

Create or Manage a Gift Registry

Provide your event information,
add gifts, and share  with your friends and family!

       Find A Registry

        Friend getting married? Had a baby?
        Search here to find out what they  want!



Create The Perfect Gift Registry

> Our vendors bring you a great selection of items designed especially for you

> Share your gift requests with  friends and family

> Automatically keeps track of which gifts have already been purchased for you

> Have the items shipped to your chosen address (your address remains confidential)

> Shmooz with your friends about the event, gift ideas,...


Need a gift for a friend, teacher, or family member? Not sure what to buy? Everybody loves gift Certificates!
Just got engaged? Had a baby? Make it easy for your friends to know what you would like to receive as gifts!
Do you have great stuff to sell? Looking for more customers? Jumazon.com is the answer that you've been waiting for!